Helping You Find Restoration and Purpose in Christ

Mission Statement

  • Provide a place where God is the teacher, His Word is the manual, prayer is the exercise, and God receives all the honor and glory.
  • Help men see themselves and their own need.
  • Help individuals get into a right relationship with God and discover a more abundant life with the Good Shepherd.
  • Provide a place where the hurting find healing and rest.
  • Instill submission in the rebellious, and hope for the depressed.
  • Provide a discipleship program for the confused and unlearned, to make men better servants of God.
  • Help mend broken relationships between individuals.
  • Help men learn to blend their personalities with other people.
  • Provide a place where good work habits are learned and developed.
  • Teach men to function right in the home, in the church, and in the community.
  • Provide an opportunity and benefit for our youth in serving the Lord.
  • Provide a place where the staff can develop good qualities and have their Christian lives enriched while helping others.

Galatians 6:10 -“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”

Keys to Restoring Lives

It has been a tremendous blessing to have four hours every morning of Bible study and class time. Steve Ebersole’s class 3 days a week has been a highlight. We are going through the book “Living a Pure Life” by John Coblentz. Steve has his own charts and we also make new ones on the board. His teaching on the difference between “The sorrow of the world” and “Godly sorrow” has been most helpful. It is the first time that I have ever had the privilege to have it spelled out in such practical terms. Life needs to be lived in daily repentance but we tend to default to worldly sorrow too many times.

- G. M.