Your Support Helps!


Do you know men at Shepherd’s Fold? Some of the staff or the support personnel? We appreciate your prayers knowing only the Lord Jesus can truly meet the needs of the heart and life. We can provide a structured and disciplined environment, but Jesus can do what the law cannot do. Please pray for any of the people you know.

  • Pray for the counsellors who are often young men seeking to find answers for their own needs.
  • Pray for the residents, youth looking ahead wondering if they can overcome their past; and older men looking back with many regrets, wondering if they can remain true to the teachings of the Gospel.
  • Pray for continued financial support since it does take daily bread.
  • Pray for our witness in the community, for the testimony to the courts of the land.
  • Pray for the families back home who are having to live without their loved ones, but who long to see genuine change in the hearts of those they love.
  • Pray that character and trust can be rebuilt on this side of eternity as we choose paths of godliness.


The Shepherd’s Fold program is a mission of the Pilgrim Conference. It is governed by a seven-man board. The daily activities are directed by staff which receives salaries and/or allowances. There is a suggested cost for participation in the program.

However, individuals come from a variety of circumstances and some are unable to contribute any money towards their stay. Because of that, any financial donations we receive are a blessing to the program and enable Shepherd’s Fold to continue helping people.


The Shepherd’s Fold board is on the constant lookout for disciples of Christ who want to make eternal investments caring for souls. The following options are continually needing to be replenished:

Counselors: We look for mature single young men in the 19-30 year old range. They must be in good standing in their congregations and come from conservative congregations of Anabaptist convictions. You may submit names by contacting the director or someone from the board.

Marriage counselors: We also use older couples to help guide married couples into restored relationships. When a married man fails spiritually, this often leaves wounds and scars in home relationships. Beginning next with the wife, marriage and home counsellors seek to restore relationships in the home setting by taking those involved through studies provided by Shepherd’s Fold.

Logistics volunteers: Our work also exists through mature Christians who serve in the shop, the kitchen, or elsewhere in transportation and care for men in their journey back into a relationship with their home church and community.

Presentations in your Home Congregation

May we come and give a presentation in your home church? We appreciate the opportunity to share a testimony for Christ, realizing our temptations and restorations are common to man and others need to hear what Christ is doing in our lives. Call the administrator to reserve a spot in our calendar. The men need to give their testimony as well as see God’s work in the variety of plain communities that we serve.